<aside> <img src="/icons/view_gray.svg" alt="/icons/view_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome to a space dedicated extending arebyte’s 2023-2026 programme The Body, The Mind, The Soul through text reflections and opinion pieces.

**On this page, you can find texts about each three aspect of the programme, how they’re unfolding as they happen, and what reflections we’ve had on them since should you have time and desire.


Programme Texts and Comments

Starting point…

Towards a Cosmotechnic Psychedelia addition

Minimal Rituals addition

For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return / 为数据所生,亦归数据而去 addition

Zach Blas addition

Coming soon…

Areas Of Effect: Planar Systems, Critical Roles, and Gaming Imaginaries addition

Homage To Quan Am addition

Resources and Links

Exhibition links

Extra reading

The Body Notes

The Mind Notes

The Soul Notes